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PSCP Student Member Event

The Internship Application Process: Strategies for Success

Hosted by Todd Galbraith, Ph.D. and Bruce S. Zahn, Ed.D., ABPP

September 8, 2023 2-4 EST via zoom

This event is intended for PSCP student members to assist them with the internship application process. We will be presenting tips and strategies to effectively navigate various aspects of the application process, including time management, expectations from internship programs, and writing essays and cover letters. Following a short presentation, most of the event will be dedicated to Q&A and discussing areas of interest for the attendees.

Topics covered will include:

  • -Time and stress management
  • -What internship directors are looking for
  • -Enhancing your CV
  • -Tips for essay and cover letter writing
  • -How to provide a strong case example

–A detailed version of the presentation will be sent out prior to this event (only an abridged version will be covered during the meeting), so please be sure to register in advance.


This event is intended for PSCP student members. To become a student member for free prior to registration visit philadelphiapsychology.org/register/student-membership/


To Register, email PSCPAdmin@philadelphiapsychology.org  or Todd Galbraith, Ph.D. at tgal13@gmail.com with your name, email, and graduate program to register and receive the zoom invitation link.

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