About PSCP

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So far PSCP has created 4 blog entries.

Surviving and thriving: Mental health perspectives in the treatment of cancer and chronic illness

2020-03-06T19:09:34-05:00March 6th, 2020|

Medical advances have empowered patients to survive cancer and chronic illness decades beyond what was previously possible. As a result of medical advances the purpose of treatment is no longer limited to surviving alone. Rather, the goal is to survive, thrive and to live a deeply fulfilling life thereafter. Even if there isn’t a complete cure. [...]

Addiction and the Opiate Crisis

2019-09-28T19:56:28-04:00September 28th, 2019|

It is hard to ignore the extent and lethality of the current opiate problem. Opiate addiction (including heroin and prescription opiates) has been steadily rising - US drug death rates increased from 64,000 drug-related deaths in 2016 to about 71,000 deaths in 2017. The major driver of this increase (about half of all deaths) was opiate [...]

 Accepting Our Own Differences

2019-09-28T19:52:35-04:00September 28th, 2019|Tags: |

We all have ways we are unique and different from others, and all have areas of relative weakness.  However, some of us experience, and may struggle with, more intrusive differences, with differences that are more obvious to ourselves and others, and with differences that we develop that are inconsistent with how we see ourselves. So, a [...]

Our First Philadelphia Psychology Network Blog

2018-09-06T20:33:32-04:00August 28th, 2018|

Welcome to our first Philadelphia Psychology Network blog! As the current president of PSCP – The Psychology Network, I am in awe of what our board members have been accomplishing lately. This blog, for example, is an interactive feature of our beautifully updated website. It will reflect the varied and cutting-edge thinking of the Philadelphia area [...]

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