Psychology and Social Justice

Coloring Outside the Lines

2019-03-26T14:52:32-04:00March 26th, 2019|

Arthur C. Evans, Jr, Ph.D., current CEO of the American Psychological Association chatted with the Shrinks on Third about part of his southern upbringing in Florida, his own growth as a leader, insights about leadership in general, and his vision for using psychology to promote social justice. Listen to Coloring Outside the Lines at Shrinks on [...]

Sometimes It’s a Very Simple Fix

2018-11-20T15:29:34-05:00November 20th, 2018|

The session in which the Shrinks interview Dr. Barry Jacobs about transforming healthcare for patients with complex needs. Dr. Jacobs is a well-known expert in supporting family caregivers with a passion for behavioral health integration and complex care management. Download and listen to the podcast atΒ Read more about Dr. Barry Jacobs at Β 

A Healthy Mistrust of the Profession

2018-11-14T03:14:23-05:00November 14th, 2018|

The session in which we interview Dr. Cheryll Rothery about how we can create safe spaces in our clinical practices for African American women. Click to download and listen. Subscribe to our weekly podcast on Apple Podcasts or wherever you download your podcasts. Β 

Running for the bus

2019-01-27T18:43:10-05:00November 5th, 2018|

This is the session in which the Shrinks interview Dr. Gail Karafin, past president of PSCP: The Psychology Network, about teen sleep needs and implications for changing school start times. Since the interview with Dr. Karafin, Pennsylvania Senate Resolution No. 417 was passed. This resolution directs the Joint State Government Commision to establish an advisory committee [...]

Bills being considered in our state capital relating to mental health.

2018-10-27T16:18:11-04:00October 14th, 2018|

The first is SB 554 for Safe Harbor for Child Victims of Trafficking, which was introduced by retiring Senator Stewart Greenleaf. Importantly, this bill provides safe harbor for sexually exploited children less than 18 years of age, and sets up a fund to provide victim services, to increase public awareness, and to suppress demand for human [...]

Willing to Talk About Anything

2018-09-19T23:41:57-04:00September 18th, 2018|Tags: , , |

The session in which Cindy interviews Julie about dealing with shame and how frequently shame comes up in clinical practice. As we set out together on our journey into podcasting, we decided to interview each other before inviting guests. We are also getting to know each other as we begin learning the A-Z's of podcasting.Β  A [...]

Introducing the Shrinks on Third

2018-09-06T21:02:44-04:00September 6th, 2018|Tags: , |

New: Psychology and Social Justice Podcast Co-hosts Julie Mayer, PsyD, and Cindy Ariel, PhD, use their wit, wisdom, and womanhood to explore issues related to psychology and social justice. The podcast will launch on Tuesday, September 18, 2018, via Listen to the promo now by clicking on the link above. Tune in every Tuesday for [...]

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