
Screen time for your children: No easy answers by Robert Naseef, Ph.D.

2019-03-04T02:15:09-05:00March 2nd, 2019|

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends strict limits on screen time for kids, and many parents are deeply worried for good reason. In July 2018, the World Health Organization concluded that “gaming disorder” is a new form of addiction for individuals whose jobs, educations, family or social lives have been negatively impacted by video games. Screen time [...]

How to Get Along with Others – Utilizing Bibliotherapy and Examples from History by Marcy Shoemaker, Psy.D.

2019-02-19T00:57:14-05:00February 19th, 2019|

With the current political climate, many clients have difficulty dealing with different political leanings. Using bibliotherapy and examples from history may be very helpful to our clients, both during therapy and as a follow-up to therapy in the form of homework. How do we help clients get along with the significant others in their lives? One [...]

Sometimes It’s a Very Simple Fix

2018-11-20T15:29:34-05:00November 20th, 2018|

The session in which the Shrinks interview Dr. Barry Jacobs about transforming healthcare for patients with complex needs. Dr. Jacobs is a well-known expert in supporting family caregivers with a passion for behavioral health integration and complex care management. Download and listen to the podcast at http://shrinksonthird.com/sometimes-its-a-very-simple-fix Read more about Dr. Barry Jacobs at https://www.healthmanagement.com/our-team/staff-directory/name/barry-jacobs/  

Bills being considered in our state capital relating to mental health.

2018-10-27T16:18:11-04:00October 14th, 2018|

The first is SB 554 for Safe Harbor for Child Victims of Trafficking, which was introduced by retiring Senator Stewart Greenleaf. Importantly, this bill provides safe harbor for sexually exploited children less than 18 years of age, and sets up a fund to provide victim services, to increase public awareness, and to suppress demand for human [...]

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